Monthly Archives: August 2014

Post-holiday madness

So maybe madness is too strong a word. Still, dragging the bags into the house (or up 4 flights of stairs to your flat…), emptying them all over the house, finding everything a place, the piles of washing (and there’s only 2 of us!), the ‘oh-no-we-have-no-food’ realisation on bank holiday Monday (very grateful to the local Co-op being open til 9pm – we arrived with about 2 minutes to spare), sorting the post…



There’s no blues for us though – after a 5 week stint away from our flat (we were at my Mum’s dog sitting before the 2 week holiday), we were PSYCHED to be back! I had those shivers of excitement where you just want to jump and skip around…exciiited. The simple joy of rediscovering clothes you haven’t worn for weeks (I’ve never been so happy to see my normal daily jeans!), wandering round the rooms just enjoying being home, opening cupboards with an ‘Oh I’d forgotten we kept that there!’. It was lovely to be away, but really happy to be back – hello real life on Monday!


I also spent time thinking about this little corner of online space I started back in February. I found a blog that I really love, written by a woman who I may never have met and nor do we have loads in common (except, you know, following Jesus, which is kind of a major one), but her writing inspired me to have a go again. Me and my husband (bye bye improved grammar) are starting our first real life, paid monthly jobs on Monday (HELP!), so that seems a potential focus of some kind…as well as hopefully getting round to doing posts I’ve been planning in my head over the last few months! Lots of photos to trawl through and remember why I took them…


I’m not anticipating great things from this blog – in fact I just rediscovered a Google blog I had, which I stopped writing on for fear of people I knew finding it – nevertheless I’d like to remember entering the real world and how we coped with it. We’ve only ever been married as students, so I’m sure the next few months will be a challenging time as we lose our oodles of holiday and both come home equally tired and drained, definitely NOT in the mood to rustle up tea, when staying up til 2am watching films will have consequences. Goodbye student life, hello real world. Bring. It. On.