About moi

I am a person, trying out this whole blogging malarky, writing mostly nonsensical things about life.

The above is still true, but I realise that it doesn’t reaaally tell you anything about me. I’ll keep it simple 🙂


Wonky glasses? Or possibly a wonky face…

I’m Alice. I’m from the general Yorkshire area (said in a Miranda type of way) and still live here now with my hubby, hitherto unnamed on here. I was a student but am so no longer. We now live in the Real World, which isn’t so different from before, except we now have to earn money to survive. And you can’t decide to take a day off at 7am (not that I ever did that…). We’re Christians, which means that we love and follow Jesus cos he’s Awesome, with a captial A.

We’re recently approved foster carers with our first placement of 3 kids – siblings aged (nearly) 6, 7 and 8. It is exhausting, challenging, sometimes rewarding. Let’s just say that I pray God’s amazing power is being made perfect in our incredible weakness!

I’ve recently joined the realm of Instagram, so click on the badge if you fancy taking a peek.


4 thoughts on “About moi

  1. rgcornish

    How nice to meet you, Alice. Enjoying my visit to your lovely blog. I am assuming you live in England. We have Canadian friends who have just moved to England and I am so enjoying their photos. My husband and I live in Arizona, USA. and are Christians also. Jesus truly is Awesome. Loving your menu planning ideas. I’ll be back to visit often.

    1. Alice W Post author

      Hi Gen, thanks for stopping by 🙂 I do indeed live in England, in the north near the Peak district, a beautiful part of the country. Lovely to connect with a sister in Christ across the ocean and the internet xx


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