Monthly Archives: November 2014

Love the Little Things #6

Another week gone. Can you believe that December is nearly here? How did that happen?! Time is a funny thing. Even though we’ve been singing songs for the Christmas production since October and I’ve been going to carol concert rehearsals for a few weeks, I still don’t even feel remotely Christmassy. I’ve been reading about different advent traditions that people have, and I’d love for us to start a few in order to not let the amazing joy of the season pass us by. We may have left it slightly late to start as soon as December hits, but we’ll see what we come up with over the weekend 🙂

So, what have I been loving this week?


I’m a little stumped for this one…I’ve not got any further with my book from last week, and I haven’t really read much else. I think I need to switch off the Big Black Box and explore the bookshelf more…


It’s not like there’s nothing to get your teeth into…


I have to say though, I am LOVING not being obliged to read. Getting rid of that burden after 4 years is definitely a relief!


Too much! I’ll go with another film trailer. I am a big Disney fan, so a real life people version of Cinderella – yes please 🙂



Some AWESOME new slipper socks from Aldi. They’re just so cosy and warm 🙂 we’ve got a few pairs as Christmas pressies too. The pompoms didn’t last long, but they are lovely.



I’m way behind with this one, but I’ve finally found Shake It Off by Taylor Swift. I LOVE this track, and I really enjoy the video. Genuinely listened to it/watched it about 10 times in the last 24 hours.

Shake it off, people 🙂


I didn’t technically ‘make’ this in that I didn’t grow the flowers and didn’t decorate the glass bottle, but I selected and arranged the flowers in a recycled ketchup bottle, so I think that counts. It’s a little thing to love and they brighten up the coffee table 🙂


I’m hoping to get started on making some Christmas presents this weekend, so this space might be a bit more inspired next week!

And lastly…

I hung out with my friends on Tuesday night and one of them made this delicious pudding…


It was so incredibly yummy, a Paul Hollywood recipe I believe. Gooey, rich, chocolatey goodness.

Happy Friday, have a lovely weekend!

Linking up with But Why Mummy Why, sharing the love of little things 🙂



When I started this blog, I was very wary of it becoming a bit of an online journal. Not that there’s anything wrong with using a blog for that purpose, but I didn’t want to just off load and then never talk through stuff, rather just keeping it between myself and the computer screen, feeling like I’d dealt with it. So, with that in mind, I shall now ramble, endeavouring not to offload.

Work is a bit of a mixed bag at the moment. It was great at first, I felt like I was being so patient, I got on well with the rest of the Foundation stage team, I was enjoying the kids…then somewhere around the half term mark, the patience seemingly ran out, cracks (more like ravines) appeared in team relations, and I just found myself nearly constantly frustrated by the little darlings. That situation continues.

On Monday though, I felt like I was smacked in the face by the selfishness of people. It’s a bit complicated, but one of the teachers seems to be not liked by the others (for what reason I cannot fathom), and the others are so quick to put her down in order to make themselves look better, or to get themselves ‘in’ with the apparent Big Cheese of Foundation Stage (I just searched my whole photo collection for a photo of a big cheese…I found none, so Google Images will have to suffice).

Sourced from Google Images

Sourced from Google Images

It made me sad and angry, that kind of uncomfortable where your insides squirm and you can sort of feel the colour rising to your cheeks?

What struck me though as I talked to the Mr about it (at 11:30pm, just after we switched the lights off…I choose my moments well), was that I do the same thing. It’s so easy to twist the truth so that people see me in a more favourable light, even if that means I make them think worse of someone else wrongly. I may not do it in the same situation as I saw at work, but I still do it alright. I’m no more perfect, no less flawed (although I knew that already!).

[Not quite sure where to go from here…I’m often not that articulate when speaking, so not quite sure how to wrap this one up neatly and eloquently…]

I can’t change my co-workers attitudes, but I can change mine. Or, more accurately, God can, I’d be pretty pants on my own. I can pray that He will change my heart to love others as He loves them.

“But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5v8

For the Love of Eggs

Having pondered what to eat this week with my meal plan, I wasn’t very enthused about eggs for tea. I take it all back.


I feel like a fried egg isn’t something that you can easily get wrong, but I often do! Either the yoke’s cooked through, or the white’s still a bit runny. Don’t get me started on my issues with soft boiled eggs – I’m yet to master making the perfect one. But today? These little babies were just perfect. It probably has something to do with the temperature of the pan when you put them in, but they cooked at a good rate, bubbled a bit and the yokes were runny! Wahoo! The Mr enjoyed them 🙂

I, on the other hand, decided to try out an old favourite from my post-GCSE days when this was the only thing I could cook.


The tried, tested and beloved omelette. With cheese and tomato no less, served on a bed of baked beans. It tasted so yum, what a classic. Thank you to my Dad for teaching me how to make these!

On another note we did our shop this evening (gripping stuff, I know) and got this box of joy and awesomeness.


Thank you Aldi. Clementine, anyone?